30-06 > 04-07-2014 – Emergences Sonores
Posted on 28/06/2014 in 2014, Agenda, All news, Artists, City Sonic, Soundart, Workshops, Young artists

Under the coordination of Stéphane Kozik (sound artist and multimedia), three students (Wilson Rose, Christopher Fernandez, Vivian Barigand) of The Visual Arts School of Mons Arts2 were selected to participate in a workshop “Sonic Emergences ” preparatory to the presentation of their new sound installations in the next edition of the City Sonic festival in September.
Production : le manège.mons, Transcultures, en partenariat avec Arts2 (IDM).
Dans le cadre du projet transfontalier Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s) soutenu par le fond européen FEDER Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen