Since 2011, the Faculty of Architecture and urbanism (FA + U) from the University of Mons, works with Transcultures to organize conferences around the sound design and digital arts. The purpose is twofold: first, to make students aware of the impact of noise components in architecture and then, analyze works on sound spaces increased by tracing the recent developments in this field. I
n this context, Florence Corin (Brussels), dancer / choreographer with an architect, multimedia artist, manager for Contredanse editions and initiator with Philippe Jelli of Mutin, an association that produced since 2005, transdisciplinary artworks related to dance, movement, visual arts, video, music and digital technologies, will give an illustrated lecture open to all. the question is what can digital technologies provide to the physical work? While it is now easier to introduce interactive devices into the studio and to explore with them, does it change our kinesthetic perception? Does it plays on our bodily limits? How does it transforms our stage area or (re) presentation?
Placing the body-machine dialogue at our sensation level, Florence Corin will deal with a wide interiority.
- 26/02/2015
- 12:00
- Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme – UMons
- 88, Rue d’Havré, Mons
- transcultures.be • umons.ac.be
Partnership : Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme – UMons / Transcultures
In the framework of the cycle : Territoires numériques augmentés