20> 25.02.2017 – Gilles Malatray – Workshop Paysage sonore

20> 25.02.2017 – Gilles Malatray – Workshop Paysage sonore

For a long time now artists and philosophers have been walking through the city and the countryside, making it a true way of being, thinking and creating. The 70s and 80s saw the birth of “soundwalks”, or soundtracks, using new readings and sensitive writings of the landscape, where aesthetics and ecology regularly dialogue in concert, according to the wanderings.

It is therefore from these stories and their protagonists that Gilles Malatray (desartssonnants/regular guest of festival City Sonic) will develop a specific approach experienced in the city of Mons. He will highlight the close relations between listening, art, environment, urbanism and architecture.

The participating students will then become “listening walkers” (as described by Michel Chion), a critical listening, especially  of the city, where the artistic gesture is addressed to all those who, inhabitants, politicians or developers, remain anxious to preserve, to develop, a beautiful daily listening.

Friday 24 February - 3pm - Audio Sensitive Landscape

Gilles Malatray invites you to a special soundwalk to discover the urban treasures of the city of Mons, a walking deep listening experience

Start University of Mons – 31 Bld Dolez – Mons


A partnership Transcultures – Faculté d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme/UMons
