LAMAPHI (Lamaφ) is a multifaceted group, bringing together artists from various horizons and various disciplines, which was born at LAMAB (La MAison A Bruxelles) at the end of 2019 under the impulse of the Belgian musician JJ Duerinckx. In LAMAPHI, musicians, dancers, videographers, actors… bring their creativity into play in the present moment and in the organic interaction between individuals. Where intuition and feeling work and open the way to shared imaginaries, new forms come to life.
The group’s artistic research leads it to a performative artistic form governed solely by the ability of each to be in connection with the present moment and to interact with any emerging stimulation, whether it comes from the performers or the environment. The goal is to constitute a single body where each individual puts himself at the service of collective creation. The inspiration therefore comes from the encounter with the other, without distinction between performer and spectator, encounter with the place and its characteristics, encounter with oneself. The result is fragile, sometimes confusing, always unexpected and intense in its sincerity.
LAMAPHI works in the city in all places and circumstances, drawing public attention to societal issues through performative actions is one of its artistic commitments.
For the past week, the group has started a cycle of filmed performances. Other performances and video and sound creations will follow throughout the 2020/2021 season.
Since the start of containment LAMAPHI has endeavored to keep in touch by posting a series of videos on its YouTube channel: Lamaφ. These videos (some were recently broadcasted in the framework of the No Lockdown Art project supported by Transcultures and European Pepinieres of Creation) are the result of co-creation work illustrating the different stages of the evolution of the pandemic until deconfinement. They are a starting point for regular performative actions that will be carried out by LAMAPHI in Brussels and elsewhere throughout the 2020/2021 season.
See the presentation by Petermfriess of the group on the New York channel Creative Pois-On, as part of the series #CreativityWillSaveUs
- 09.06.2020 | 19:30
Corner of Lesbroussart with Gachard streets, 1050 Brussels - 15.06.2020 | 19:30
Rue des grands Carmes 9, 1000 Bruxelles - Lamaφ – LAMAPHI channel
- In the framework of NoLA – No Lockdown Art 2020