Album | No Signal – EP de MISTY (aka Thibault Drouillon – Be) | Transonic Emergences

Album | No Signal - EP de MISTY (aka Thibault Drouillon - Be) | Transonic Emergences

No signal, Thibault Drouillon aka MISTY latest EP (opening the Transonic Emergences dpt on the independent label Transonic produced by Transcultures) is the fruit of his introspection on his view of a world where interactions have been weakened during this historical viral period.

The five instrumental tracks featuring on No Signal combine sharp electro groovy rhythms with urban atmospheres and aerial melodic elements, all served by a clear and efficient production.

Thibaut Drouillon

MISTY (My Introspection Shared To You) is the sonic project of Belgian intermedia artist Thibaut Drouillon, nourished by ambient, braindance and techno music.

The use of randomness, polyrhythm, field recordings and generative processes are central to his musical practice. The whole thing is then marked out by square or sometimes robotic rhythms with also breakbeat influences.
