Elise Revel

Elise Revel

Diffusion et Communication

She practices the theater from an early age, which naturally attracts her to studies in performing arts in Montpellier. During the first year of master, she wrote a memoir un which she questions the relationship between drama and digital technogies based on the work of Eli Commins. She finished her studies in 2015 with a master’s degree in artistic direction of cultural projects, still in Montpellier.
Born with an eMate and passionated by computer hacks, digital culture is at the center of his interests. While studying, she combines some experiences as mediation manager for the festival “à 100%” and Tropisme in festival, office assistant for Compagnie de Passage for the International Street Theatre Festival of Aurillac, touring organiser for several companies of theater of contemporary dance. She joined Transcultures team in June 2015.