01.02.14 – Musiques Nouvelles Andy Warhol’s night (Factory happening 1964-2014) – Brussels
29/01/2014Andy Warhol has definitely marked a “pop” culture with multiplied icons and fascinating superstars. In 1963, he launched the...
24.01.2014 – Live Supernova (+ Oscar Martin, Constanza Piña) @ DATABAZ Angoulême
20/01/2014ANGOULÊME > DATABAZ > 20:30 Founded in 2012 by Philippe Franck (aka Paradise Now – singing / playing guitar, other)...
25.01.2014 – Transcultures, experiences and approaches – Lecture by Philippe Franck – Angoulême
20/01/2014ANGOULÊME > FASTERI At the invitation of Philippe Boisnard (digital artist, teacher), Philippe Franck will present the different sound art/digital...
25.01.2014 – Sonic workshop Margarida Guia : les champs de la voix
20/01/2014LE CARROSSE > SAINT-SYMPHORIEN For the second year, Margarida Guia, Portuguese sound artist, comedian and poet, will lead a...
13 > 17.01.14 Sonic translations (Atelier vertical) – Brussels
11/01/2014This workshop called “sonic translations” organised by Balthasar Nathalie and Philippe Franck within the “vertical week” workshops at the...
16.01.2014 – Lecture Philippe Franck Sonic City, la cité espace d’interventions sonores
11/01/2014How does sound art play with the urban space, both as a living vibrating organism and a source of...
08 + 09.01.2014 Musiques Nouvelles Andy Warhol’s night (Factory happening 1964-2014)
03/01/2014Andy Warhol has definitely marked a “pop” culture with multiplied icons and fascinating superstars. In 1963, he launched the...
17.12.13 > 04.01.14 – Gauthier Keyaerts : Fragments 43/44
07/12/2013Fragments # 43-44 is based on both technology (IT mediation, various digital interfaces, …) and on instinct, on improvisation....
19.12.13 – Aymeric Hainaux aka Émotional + Ordinaire
07/12/2013Aymeric Hainaux (French nomadic artist, designer, beatboxer and performer aka Dent-de-Lion)uses its human beatbox with two microphones, an echo pedal...
18.12.2013 – Park in Progress Workshop – Montreuil
07/12/2013A dozen of european artists from the program Park in progress meet young artists from La Plaine Saint-Denis, particularly...
December 2013 – Simon Dumas + Philippe Franck : Chœurs poétiques – Quebec
07/12/2013As an extension of our recent collaboration Les Transatlantiques (photo of the participants after the performance the Sonic Garden...
Decembe 2013 – Stéphane Kozik + Arnaud Eeckhout – Mons
07/12/2013These two artists combining audio and digital practices are welcomed to the Fridge (Site of former slaughterhouse) for a...
04.12.2013 – Pascale Barret : Tchiki Boum (Workshop Sonic Kids)
01/12/2013DJ’s for one day, in a cabaret spirit given par Pascale Barret (performer, media artist, glamour DJ aka Frau...
19.11.13 – Damien Caille-Perret : Actéon (opera) – Le Phénix – in the framework of ESH
13/11/2013This lyrical show with a spectacular set is inspired by Ovide’metamorphoses (with music by Marc-Antoine Charpentier and Jean-Baptise Lully) is...
06>09.11 Isa Belle + Paradise Now : Massages sonores
03/11/2013In early November, Isa Belle + Paradise Now are invited in Valenciennes by Le Phénix (in association with various...
06 & 07-11-13 – Workshop & show Kapila Venu – Valencienne (in the framework of ESH project)
03/11/2013Workshop Kapila Venu An initiation to Kuttiyattam, traditional theatre from South India by the great actress Kapila Venu. 06-11-13 –...
Until 30.11.13 – Sound installations of Arnaud Eeckhout & Claire Payement – Valenciennes
03/11/2013Still to be seen and heard at le Phénix, 3 great sound installations (premiered at Festival City Sonic) by...
29.10.2013 Ordinaire : Dernier inventaire avant déménagement – Liège
25/10/2013Stephan Ink (musician, laptop, bass) + Eric Therer (writer/performer) = Ordinaire. Togther they will use recorded sounds from this...
09-10-13 – Introduction to sound arts – Conference by Philippe Franck – Le Phénix-Valenciennes
08/10/2013Sound art is a term which appeared relatively recently in the panorama of the contemporary arts. It has opened...
27.10.2013 – Memento Body – Monographie de Thomas Israël – La Lettre volée Bruxelles
16/09/2013Release of Memento Body – Thomas Israël’s Monograph and exhibition at La Lettre volée, within the context of la...
August2013 – Residency @Transcultures Arnaud Eeckhout – Silence is more
09/08/2013IN THE FRAMEWORK OF ESPACE(S) SON(S) HAINAUT(S) MONS > MACHINE À EAU Inaudible polyphonic composition that uses sound frequencies outside...
07.07 – Meeting with Bobvan about his installation at Ascenseur funiculaire de Strepy-Thieu
06/07/2013In the framework of the ARTour, biennale of contemporary art and patrimony (theme of this ninth edition: metamorphosis) organised...
11.07.2013 – Opening of the installation “Hélix” of Sonia Paço Rocchia – Site des anciens abattoirs, Mons
03/07/2013After conducting research on the different possibilities of acoustic Slinky (metal toy shaped spring), Sonia Paço Rocchia worked the...
6 et 20.07.13 – Workshop Sonic Kids – Perinne Joveniaux + Stéphane Kozik – La Nature en musique LaM – Villeneuve d’ascq
01/07/2013Inspired by the work of Livescape (Mons interdisciplinary group which built his entire performances and installations on the salvage...
18 > 19.06.13 – HyperUrbain.4 : Hybrid Mobility – Workshops – LarbitsLab
15/06/2013The research platform LarbitsLab from Brussels has been invited by the organizers of the conference HyberUrbain.4 on Hybrid Mobility in Valenciennes,...
23.06.13 – ARTour (opening) – Bobvan Offspring Strépy-Thieu – funicular lift
13/06/2013In the framework of the ARTour, biennale of contemporary art and patrimony (theme of this ninth edition: metamorphosis) organised...
16.06.13 – Transcultures @ Supervoisins – Halles de Schaerbeek
13/06/201314:30 to 16:30 Isa Belle + Paradise Now : Sound massages In the context of the « Supervoisins »...
Call for proposals – Transcultures “Art(s) and Network(s)” Mobile Awards 2013 – deadline : 01 sept
03/06/2013Within the framework of La quinzaine numérique (The digital fortnight) of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (21 September>06 October 2013), Transcultures, in partnership...
Bernard Stiegler, conference & workshop at Mundaneum (Mons) and at BELSPO (Bxl) 4 & 5 june
29/05/2013Conference & Workshop : « Les chemins numériques vers la connaissance » Mundaneum at Mons, conference 4 june – 8...
07 > 09.06.2013 – City Sonic @ festival les Folies – Maubeuge
28/05/2013More than fifteen years after its creation, the Festival “Les Folies” organized by Le manège.mons (national scene Maubeuge) changes size and invests Remparts...