20.02.2013 Sonic Kids Guillaume Codutti – Bricophorythme

20.02.2013 Sonic Kids Guillaume Codutti – Bricophorythme

Mons > Auditorium Abel Dubois > 14:30-17:00
Bricophorythme is about creating musical instruments with found, used, daily and recycled objects.

  • Entrance : 4€
  • Esplanade Anne-Charlotte de Lorraine, 7000 Mons
  • Reservation : tickets@lemanege-mons.be or 065 39 59 39

In the framework of Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s) transborder platform for innovative music supported by le fonds européen FEDER-Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlanderen.