20.03.2013 – eVanescens – Laura Colmenares Guerra + Todor Todoroff – Brigittines – Brussels – 20h00

20.03.2013 – eVanescens – Laura Colmenares Guerra + Todor Todoroff – Brigittines – Brussels – 20h00

This interactive audiovisual performance which was first presented at the Digital Music Days (JIM) in Mons in collaboration with festival Les Transnumériques in 2012, is a journey through different states, moving the border between the real and dream worlds. The musician-composer Todor Todoroff and videographer Laura Colmenares Guerra explore hybrid territories. With Belgian cellist Sigrid Vandenbogaerde, they perform live mixing acoustic, electroacoustic and video. evanescens draws the viewer in an uncertain world, a disturbing strangeness between lightness and a feeling of weightless.

Production : Ars Musica, Les Brigittines, Cellule Arts Numériques de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, ARTeM, UMons / Institut Numediart, Le Manège.Mons / Transdigital, Le Manège.Maubeuge – Scène Nationale, Plateforme d’Art et de Technologie Numérique « La Gare » de Jeumont and support of Transcultures