Within the framework of La quinzaine numérique (The digital fortnight) of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (21 September>06 October 2013), Transcultures, in partnership with the Municipality of Saint-Gilles (Brussels) launches Les Transnomades 2013 (arts en réseaux – meaning Net Art-s), an event dedicated to the Net Art today in its innovative diversity.
On this occasion, Transcultures with its partners is happy to announce the creation of a new prize “Mobile” – the first of the kind in Belgium – to support net art works (connected performances, interactive or generative installations, applications and other new connected devices…) and creators who use the Internet/networks to create new connected art forms.
Les Transnomades 2013 will also be an opportunity to launch the Belgian version of the Super Modern Art Museum (spamm.fr) that you can find on the following address spamm.be.
- Call for proposals launch: June 24th, 2013
- Call for proposals: September 1st, 2013
- Les Transnomades 2013 will be held during La quinzaine numérique October 4-6 2013
“Art(s) in Network(s)” Mobile Award : Installation / Performance
To apply please complete the e-Form online
Eligibility Criteria
- Artistic proposals may come from a person or a group.
- This project can be a new creation, adaptation or a new version of a work or of a previous project.
- This proposal may take the form of a software / application / add-on (commercial or not), a website / web page or platform … but special attention will be given to the projects in networks whose final presentation can be made “outside” the Web in performative or installative form (Internet of connected things/objects, interactive projection, AV and sound installation…) or using other Internet networks. You can find some examples here.
- The presentation of the project can be a “work in progress”, but it must be exhibited in a technically accomplished form.
- All eligible projects will be presented to an international jury of cultural industry professionals and artists (final list will be available soon).
- The winners will be chosen within one week following the end of the call for proposals.
Financial conditions
- The selected projects will benefit from a budget (2 X 1200 euros), broadcast support for the creation at the event and aid in communication via various networks and media of Les Transnomades 2013 and Transcultures.
- The selected projects will receive a broadcast (in this version or a later version) at the events associated with Transcultures – Mons 2015, European Capital of Culture.
“Connected Digital Emergences” Mobile Award
To apply please complete the e-Form online
Eligibility Criteria
- The proposal may come from a young designer or a group of artists / designers working in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels or students in an art school or other institution of higher education in Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
- The proposals from those who have been installed in Wallonia-Brussels Federation these recent years and whose sphere of art is not Internet or networks so far, will also be taken into account.
- Artistic proposal can be an adaptation of existing art work or a new version of an earlier creation.
- Special attention will be given to the projects in networks whose final presentation can be made “outside” the Web (Internet of connected things/objects, interactive projection, AV and sound installation…) or using other Internet networks. You can find some examples here.
- The presentation of the project can be a “work in progress”, but it must be exhibited in a technically accomplished form.
- All eligible projects will be presented to an international jury of cultural industry professionals and artists (final list will be available soon).
- The winners will be chosen within one week following the end of the call for proposals.
- Financial conditions
- One or several selected projects will receive a budget (500 euros, maximum 3 winners) for distribution support and presentation at the event.
- The artist(s) may receive the broadcast support of their projects at another events associated with Transcultures within the framework of Mons 2015, European Capital of Culture or they can stay in residence by Transcultures to create another project (starting from 2014).
“Art(s) in Network(s)” Mobile Award : Public prize
- A special prize (500 euros) will be awarded by a jury shortlisted by Transcultures and composed of professionals of different backgrounds (a call for participation will be launched soon, but you can already be a candidate, send us an email with your CV, object of your mail : “Jury for the 2013 Mobile award”).
- A large series of net art (in their diversty of formes and aestehtics) works will be preselected and proposed by Transcultures to this jury. These works will be available on the spamm.be Website and some of them will be projected at the Maison du Peuple of St-Gilles (Brussels) in October 2013 4th, 5th and 6th.