Bernard Stiegler, conference & workshop at Mundaneum (Mons) and at BELSPO (Bxl) 4 & 5 june

Bernard Stiegler, conference & workshop at Mundaneum (Mons) and at BELSPO (Bxl) 4 & 5 june

Conference & Workshop : « Les chemins numériques vers la connaissance »

  • Mundaneum at Mons, conference 4 june – 8 p.m
    (modérateur : Philippe Franck)
  • Belspo at Bruxelles, workshop : 5 june – 9>12 a.m

Bernard Stiegler is a French philosopher at Goldsmiths, University of London and at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne. In addition, he is Director of the Institut de recherche et d’innovation (IRI), founder in 2005 of the political and cultural group, Ars Industrialis, and founder in 2010 of the philosophy school, Ecole de Philosophie d’Epineuil-le-Fleuriel.

Learn more on Mundaneum website