21-03-2014 – Workshop Nomades Numériques – Damien Pairon: introduction to the digital video softwares

As part of Festival VIA, the dance show ‘Hors Champs’ of Michèle Noiret will be premiered in Mons, fon March 21 and 23 at Theatre Le Manège. On this occasion, Damien Pairon (multimedia-video artist) will coordinate a workshop in the framework of Nomades Numériques (series of workshops on creative digital practices launched by the manège.mons as part of the European project nomad, in collaboration with Transcultures) to initate the public to a selection of digital video softwares. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to make their own short video creation.
in the framework of the projet nomade / Feder Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen