After a first phase at La Chambre Blanche (Québec) in Spring, this crossed residence (also in the framework of the European Pepinieres for young artists programme) will give birth to an installation shown end of November at the biennale Transnumériques organized by Transcultures in the framework Mons2015.
Alice holds a Master’s degree in visual and media arts (M.A). She is studying in the doctorate program of Studies and practice of the arts at UQAM and teaches in the Design & Computation Arts department of Concordia University. Her work was recently broadcasted at the second Biennale internationale d’art numérique (BIAN), in the LASER series (Leonardo) as well as in many exhibition centers in Canada, the USA and in Europe.
Vincent Evrard (Belgique)
Vincent is a geek, a graphic designer, and artist and a programmer. He studied at the ESA St-Luc, Liège, in graphic design and at the ERG in Brussels in digital arts. He has developed interactions Man/Machine and multi touch interfaces, interactive systems for photography and video including at Getyoo. He is now self-employed and works under the pseudonyms “ogre” or “oogre” and provides technical support for artists, gives programming workshops, develops interactive devices / Net/ and mobile applications. He also plays homemade video analog instruments in many groups.
A partnership Transcultures – La Chambre Blanche
With the support of : La Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles – Les pépinières européennes pour Jeunes Artistes – Wallonie Bruxelles International – Mons 2015, Capitale européenne de la Cultures – Le manège.mons – Symbiose et la Boite Bleue – La Ville de Québec – Le Conseil des Arts et des Lettres de Québec – Culture et Communication Québec – Conseil des Arts du Canada –