Transcultures and the European Pepinieres of Creation are pleased to be associated with the project initiated at the start of the lockdown by their accomplice Gilles Malatray (animator / founder of desartsonnants) who invites to develop forms of “Hearing Points” adapted to the constraining circumstances. Inspired by the sung and musical performances of Italian windows and balconies, mixed at my own hearing points and other listening benches, Desartsonnants have therefore launched a collaborative and participative call for an ongoing project/online platform called Listening windows.
It can be simple and fairly free. Open your window, or go to your balcony, at a chosen time, day or night, listen to the surrounding landscape, record it, or describe it vocally, or in writing, graphically, or even mix genres, invent your own modes description, representation …You can do it as many times as we want just specify the time and place, if you have a picture of the recorded point. This project aims to create a kind of Hearing/Listening Points chain, just to keep your ear turned towards the outside, and towards the others!
Please note that in a second step, the gathered sound recordings could be material for (re)compositions/revisitations by international audio artists and experimental musicians who will, in the coming weeks, be invited to submit their artistic proposals via another call, and that the participants in this first phase of this in progress project/platform mark their agreement for this possible creative use of their recordings.
- Deadline : open
- Send your recording to : desartsonnants@gmail.com
- desartsonnants.wordpress.com
- Initiated by desartsonnants with the support of Transcultures and Pépinières européennes de Création (in the framework of NOLA – No Lockdown Art)
- Visual credits banner : Stéphanie Laforce
- pepinieres.eu – transcultures.be