17 > 22.06.20 | Isa Belle + Paradise Now + Stephan Dunkelman | Résidences Lizières (Fr)
Posted on 08/06/2020 in 2020, Agenda, All news, Artists, Isa Belle, Paradise Now, Partners, Pepinieres, Philippe Franck, Production, Projects, Residencies, Transcultures team, Transonic Residencies

Transcultures begins a new partnership with Lizières (Centre of culture and ressources) and the European Pepinieres of Creation for a series of artistic residencies in sound arts. For this first Residence hosted by Lizieres centre, The French-Belgian duet Isa Belle + Paradise Now combines singing bowls, gongs, handrums, voice and guitar with the electronic treatments of the Brussels composer and sound designer Stephan Dunkelman.
A second work and recording session is planned at Lizieres in August and will conclude with a performance by this new trio discovered on stage and in environmental mode in the last edition of the City Sonic festival.
- 17 > 22.06.20
- Lizières
- 11 Allée Comté de Lostanges, 02400 Épaux-Bézu, France
- lizieres.org
- Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation. In partnership with Lizières
- transcultures.be – pepinieres.eu