Gaëtan Le Coarer is a doctoral candidate in Information and Communication Sciences & Art Sciences. he is interested in comics, hypermedia by developing an assertive Black aesthetic.
After a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Design option Design and digital culture validated at the University of Nîmes in 2016, Gaëtan Le Coarer joined the Master in Digital Creation option Hypermedia and Intelligent Spaces at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc.
In 2018, Gaëtan Le Coarer joined the teaching team of the communication and hypermedia department of the USMB, as a teacher. He participates in various projects in partnership with the Geneva International Film Festival, or the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry.
In 2019, he enrolled in a Doctorate (Information and Communication Sciences & Art Sciences) with the subject of his thesis, “Comics and Mixed Reality, towards new narrative spaces”. How in the age of interaction and immersion, can we rethink, re-read, interact with comic book storytelling in mixed realities spaces?
Th residency
During the two months of the Residence Transcultures – European Pepinieres of Creation, Gaëtan Le-Coarer will develop the device of the AN DOMHAN experience, which Transcultures presents at ARTour, Biennial contemporary arts and heritage 2021 and develop the project and its scripting of the point of view of interactions and optimizations.
He will also speak at several meetings-conferences in different schools of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and also at the next Transdémo 2021 at the Mill – Ianchelevici Museum in La Louvière. Finally, he will continue to write his thesis based on field studies already carried out and set up between Brussels and La Louvière.
Mixed Reality Experience (-! Virtual and Augmented! -), adapted from the Irish legend “The tragic death of the children of Tuireann“. This legend tells of the rivalry between two heroes and deities of the Tuatha Dé Danann, who are called Lugh and Brian. Between revenge and redemption, the story revolves around a murder and its consequences. AN DOMHAN, which means Earth in Irish, presents himself as a third character in the legend. The earth as an element, witness to the murder and a place of burial becomes origin and finality, interface of the tension of the two heroes.
This interdisciplinary project, between Art Sciences, Information and Communication Sciences, is part of two axes and three teams of the LLSETI Laboratory: Axis 3 and Axis 2 “Text, Images and Digital Arts “(Team 1“ Les Fabriques des Histoires ”+ Team 2: Impossible Realities).
This research work is carried out under the direction of Ghislaine Chabert and Marc Veyrat. This will make it possible to question these “mixed realities”, as much in research creation as at the level of storytelling strategies, uses and visual methodologies, through the potentialities and specificities of this VR + AR device linked to the ®-INTERPRETATION of an Irish legend.
- 22.09 > 30.11.2021 | Transcultures Pepinieres residency
- 24.09 > 28.11.2021 | ARTour 2021
- gaetanlecoarer.wixsite.com/noir
- Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation.
- With the support of : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et du Laboratoire LLSETI (Langages, Littératures, Sociétés, Etudes Transfrontalières et Internationales de l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc).