The European project C2L3Play – Cross Border Living Labs, specialized in creativity and in innovative methodologies applied to the Cultural and Creative Industries (ICC) sector, is coming to an end!
For 5 years, the 8 partners of the C2L3Play project have developed multidisciplinary exchanges to develop projects with high added value for the Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders area in the CCI sector.
Innovative support for project leaders and the development of prototypes or technological bricks were carried out.
To help you discover these innovative methodologies and the projects developed, the partners of the C2L3Play project are organizing a creative meeting, bringing together a multitude of players from the economic, cultural and innovation world.
L’Épilogue – C2L3Play
A meeting for companies and the general public, to develop your network in the Hauts-de-France region, Wallonia and Flanders and discover innovations in the CCI sector.
The goal of this event? Demonstrate that creativity and innovation are at the heart of the economic and cultural development of the Hauts-de-France / Wallonia / Flanders area.
- Are you passionate about the world of culture, creativity or design?
- Are you a company in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector?
Masterclasses and conference (artists and companies, new cultural paradigms, applications for digital mediation, Artificial Intelligence and ICC, etc.), exhibition on innovative projects boosted by the C2L3Play project, cross-border networking (Hauts-de-France, Wallonia, Flanders ).
October 7 is reserved for companies: Business meetings, a company visit, workshops and creativity sprints (Design Thinking, rapid prototyping and its advantages for the company, intellectual property and blockchain, augmented ideation …)
October 8 is open to everyone!
* Business meetings are scheduled for the two days and some 150 people are expected.
Are you passionate about the world of culture, creativity or design?
- Sensitive to the Cultural and Creative Industries sector
- Entrepreneur, researcher, creative, student, citizen?
- Curious about new innovation methodologies?
On the program: Masterclasses and a conference led by inspiring actors (Artists and companies, new cultural paradigms, applications and AI), an exhibition on innovative projects boosted by the C2L3Play project, cross-border networking (Hauts-de-France, Wallonia , Flanders).
Are you a company ?
You wish :
- Discover innovative project support methodologies and projects supported by C2L3Play?
- Learn more about Design Thinking, rapid prototyping and its benefits for the business, intellectual property and blockchain, augmented ideation, artificial intelligence at the service of CCIs, artists at the service of companies, new paradigms cultural …
- Develop your business in the world of CCIs and make your know-how known?
- Increase your network with players from Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders and gain visibility?
Come discover and experience creativity and innovation at the service of businesses!
On the program: business meetings, creativity sprints, company visits, conferences, exhibitions and networking, workshops (Design Thinking, rapid prototyping and its benefits for the company, intellectual property and blockchain, augmented ideation, artificial intelligence at the service of CCIs)
Crossborder Living Labs
C2L3PLAY is an Interreg cross-border cooperation project between France-Wallonia-Vlaanderen co-financed by the European Union and supported by 9 partners in France and Belgium. C2L3Play (Cross Border Living Labs) is THE living lab of the Cultural and Creative Industries of the cross-border region Hauts-de-France/Wallonia/Flanders.
Convinced that it is thanks to co-creation and innovation processes that projects grow, the C2L3PLAY partners have already committed themselves to 9 project leaders in France and Belgium! >> Consult the news of C2L3PLAY – Cross Border Living Labs
- 07 > 08.10.2021
- CLICK (UMONS Innovation Center III) – Initialis Innovation Pole
- 30 Boulevard Initialis à Mons – Belgique
- Possibility for the day of 8/10, to experience the event face-to-face or remotely!
- Free but compulsory registration
- Register via the platform, complete your profile and receive confirmation of your registration.
- epilogue-c2l3play.b2match.io
- With the support of the European Union – program Interreg – France Wallonie Vlaanderen