“The Swalling hEARt imagined by the sound artist Raymond Delepierre, presents a project in the shape of an imposing spherical mass enthroned like a sort of enigma which is situated in the middle of the space. Moving their hands over the smooth and slightly softened surface of this generous belly, the visitors will be surprised to feel how it stirs. Touched with their fingertips, rumblings will take shape, by impressinga series of sounds onto the balloon: sounds of the wind blowing, waves crashing on the shore, the high-pitched sound of sirens…”
Catherine De Poortere / PointCulture.be
Raymond Delepierre
Sonic artist, sound engineer, teacher (sonic arts) at ENSA La Cambre and technical director at the Rideau in Brussels. It is by composing from the sounds of simple objects and apparatus of our daily life that he has affirmed his wish of shaping sound through sonic installation.
He has an interest in living things, sounds and their spaces of interaction, sounds as materials, as objects, as archives, as sculptures. He organizes them, transforms them and modifies them to give them another function. Using basic solutions, he captures magnetic, radio, electrical and aerial radiation, in order to constitute a sound identity that he cuts into sequences by the interaction of one event onto another. The result is a suite of evolving and moving sound writings.
- 09 > 13.02.2022 | 11:00 à 18:00
- Lavallée
- Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Brussels
- raymonddelepierre.com
- swalling hEARt : Raymond Delepierre, Transcultures with the support of l’ULB (dans le cadre de l’exposition The Art of Difference)
- La Semaine du Son – De Week van de Klank, La Vallée
- lasemaineduson.be – lavallee.brussels