(do.space) exposes herself in a nameless elsewhere. “In the background, she lets us hear a performative-vibratory language called “Hearing the never seen”*. The researches of (do.space) teach to perceive by ear and soul what cannot be seen, admitting “the need to be in the dark where everything is born”. This exhibition presents sound installations that silence the gaze and are associated to the fragility of vibrating-unfinished lines, and to the grace of the beginnings.
Also presented is a vinyl with, on one side, an engraved design mechanically and on the other, audio experiments created at from a voice recording of (do.space) reading his writings/visions. This sound piece was produced in collaboration with long-time musician/accomplice, daniel duchamP.
*Title of an installation by the artist presented at the Center Wallonie Bruxelles (Paris) as part of “Traces de l”;Invisible” in 2022. “Ouïr le Never Vu” is a title taken also for Dominique Vermeersch’s monograph/(do.space) recently published by La Lettre Volée.
For thirty years, Dominique Vermeesch alias (do.space) has developed, from his Brabant lair, a work that is at once discreet, powerful, unclassifiable and hybrid crossing video, performance, installation, drawing (it is at the origin visual artist) with, implicitly, the sound dimension (in the form of objects but also of words and material audio flows concocted by her collaborator daniel duchamP).
As part of the exhibition, a catalog has also been produced by La Lettre Volée and a poetic and vibratory performance, Un.do Weil’s veil by Isa*Belle & Paradise Now, as well as a reading by François Delvoye will take place. April 22, 2022.
Dominique Vermeesch (do.space)
“Dominique Vermeesch (do.space), who came to creation through artistic studies, and especially through drawing, has never ceased to look for new ways to render what looks more like a continuum than any “artwork”.
The artist works and develops her questions through sound installations and videos, and includes her own body, during performances. These offer the opportunity for a mystical rendezvous through waves that she watches, with body, as a place of inscription for the world.
Traveling through the history and philosophy of themes dear to her, she mixes existing documents with her works. She builds a whole world of dialoguing texts, sounds and images, from different eras and cultures.
We cross together Hannah Arendt, Donna Haraway… images of the cosmos and Simone Weil, who reveals two fundamental aspects of her work: the link to the pulsation of the universe, and the references to the artists and authors who are dear to her.” F. Delvoye
daniel duchamP
At the beginning of the 70’s, daniel duchamP began to photograph musicians of the “improvised music” scene in Europe, and started doing research in electro-acoustic sound.
Currently, he creates his sounds in the field of experimental electronics; this in the spirit of free improvisation. He works with a double bass, recordings and a modular synthesizer.
What attracts him is the porosity of the boundaries between the moment of creation where acoustics switches to transformed landscapes, either through the play of instruments or by various filters such as granular synthesis… sound material always… exploring new fields of possibilities…
- 13.04 > 03.06.2023 | Exhibition
- 13.04.2023 – 18 > 21:00 | Opening in the presence of the artist
- 22.04.2023 – 16:00 | Poetic and vibratory performance
- A.Galerie
- Rue du Page 25, 1050 Ixelles Belgique
- Free entrance
- a-galerie.be
- A.Galerie
- With the support of Transcultures, as part of the 20th anniversary of City Sonic.