08 > 22.09.2024 | Creation residency Alain Wergifosse | WeSa residency centre – Jeju island (Ko)

08 > 22.09.2024 | Creation residency Alain Wergifosse | WeSa residency centre – Jeju island (Ko)

Alain Wergifosse supported by Transcultures is hosted in September by the WeSA Sound Arts Center (South Korea) in their residency center located on Jeju Island offering all the technical and logistical facilities.

The sound and visual artist will develop a new, more mobile performance device, work on the material for a future album and immerse himself in the special atmosphere of this exceptional volcanic island located in the Sea of ​​Japan south of the Korean peninsula, which is considered a natural wonder.

This creative residency is part of an exchange between Transcultures and WeSA that extends over two years and includes hosting sound and digital artists in residence on both sides, as well as showing Belgian and Korean sound/intermedia performances and installations in the WeSA festival (December) in Seoul and the Transcultures festival, City Sonic (Autumn) in Saint-Ghislain.

Check out the artist’s latest albums released on the Transonic label: Flux & Densités [prologue] (2020) et Spectres & Neons (2024).

Alain Wergifosse (Be)

Belgian video artist and experimental musician having resided in Barcelona for 30 years, Alain Wergifosse has participated in countless sound projects solo and with groups such as Obmuz, Macromassa and Specop (in Spain).

For 10 years, he created interactive sounds and music for Marcel.lí Antúnez (founder of La Fura dels Baus). He co-organized the LEM and NoNoLogic festivals in Barcelona and published 3 albums: “Deep Gray Organics” in 1999 on the Geometrik label (Es), “Flux & Densités” in 2020 and the CD (+ booklet) “Spectres & Neons ” in 2022, both published by the Transonic (Be) label. In 2010, he composed the music for the film “Petite anatomy of the image” by Olivier Smolders.

He has produced numerous videos and immersive and sound installations regularly supported by Transcultures (and the City Sonic and Transnumériques festivals), the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and also, among others, by/for KIKK, Recyclart (Be), Zone Libre, European Pepinieres of Creation, and Vidéoformes (Fr), as well as concerts and sound and visual experimentation workshops.


WeSA - community for sound artists

WeSA is a community for sound artists, a place to share knowledge and ideas and foster networking among artists. The ultimate goal of WeSA is to build and maintain a sustainable environment at the intersection of arts, sound, and multidisciplinary research.

Artists can learn and/or relearn through the programs of the WeSA Academy and connect with other artists. WeSA also invites sound artists from around the world and organizes an annual sound arts festival to provide them with a broader range of opportunities.

The WeSA residency program takes place in the peaceful town of Seonheul, located in the eastern region of Jeju Island, where participants from diverse backgrounds can freely design and develop their projects. Selected candidates are provided with accommodation and workspaces on Jeju Island, in addition to a design budget. Furthermore, projects conceived during the residency period are selected through a separate evaluation process and are supported for production and presentation.
