“The surface of the bread is marvelous
firstly because of the almost panoramic impression it gives:
as if you had the Alps, the Taurus or the Andes at your fingertips.”
Francis Ponge – The Bread
What place do we still leave bread in everyday life? Bread is everywhere but yet it is often put in the background. Bread, the basis of food, what remains to be discovered about it?
Through different artistic activities, let yourself be surprised by the richness of bread through sound, touch, body and different contemporary creative practices.
These multi-creative workshops which address several disciplines are offered by the multidisciplinary artist Marie Bertrand (in summer residency – sound and intermedia Emergences – at Transcultures), ahead of the “Blé d’Art” exhibition which will open on September 16, 2022 at the Foyer Culturel de Saint-Ghislain.
Marie Bertrand
Born in 1995 in Belgium, develops a multidisciplinary artistic practice ranging from performance to video, including installation, sound, sculpture, painting, drawing, binding and paper creation.
She obtained a bachelor’s degree in the painting option (ESA le 75) in 2017, a bachelor’s degree in the Image Dans le Milieu (Arts²) option in 2019 and a master’s degree in the Image Dans le Milieu (Arts²) option in 2021.
His artistic approach is based on his daily life and his feelings about the world around him. Her questions go from the world of work to her condition as a woman as well as childhood, death, the body, the absurd, humor and bread as a societal mirror.
Les Rencontres Culturelles d'été de Saint-Ghislain
During this Summer 2022, the cultural centre of Saint-Ghislain (BE) presents a series of activities called “Les rencontres culturelles de St Ghislain” in different places around this town not far from Mons. In partnership with Transcultures and Ad Libitum, 3 Sonic Garden Parties are offered in July and August, as well as workshops (Sonic Kids and creative workshop around bread – one of the thematic threads of this program).
- 29.08.2022 | All day
- Espace Turati
- Rue des Bonniers 19, 7331 Saint-Ghislain
- Free
- foyerculturelsaintghislain.be – mariebertrand.be
- Foyer Culturel Saint-Ghislain.
- In partnership with Transcultures and Ad Libitum