Using piezo microphones and digital recorders, Marie Bertrand offers, ahead of her multidisciplinary and participatory exhibition “Blé d’Art” at FC Saint-Ghislain, a sound recording workshop using the materials that make up the bread (water, flour, salt, yeast/sourdough) and the bread object itself.
What is the sound of bread? What sounds does it make when you slice it, eat it, or run a knife over it? What does it evoke for our ears and our imagination?
“ The surface of the bread is wonderful first of all because of the almost panoramic impression it gives: as if you had the Alps, the Taurus or the Andes at your fingertips.”
Francis Ponge – Le pain
This workshop, open to all audiences over the age of 12, offers playful creative research with the harvesting (with the “field recording” technique) of these material and organic sounds to create particular micro-audio worlds.
Marie Bertrand (Be)
Born in 1995 in Belgium, Marie Bertrand develops a multidisciplinary artistic practice ranging from performance to video, including installation, sound, sculpture, painting, drawing, binding and paper creation.
She obtained a bachelor’s degree in the painting option (ESA le 75) in 2017, a bachelor’s degree in the Image Dans le Milieu (Arts²) option in 2019 and a master’s degree in the Image Dans le Milieu (Arts²) option in 2021.
His artistic approach is based on his daily life and his feelings about the world around him. Her questions go from the world of work to her condition as a woman as well as childhood, death, the body, the absurd, humor and bread as a societal mirror.
- 25.10.2022 | 14 > 17:00
- Foyer Culturel Saint-Ghislain
- Grand’Place 37- Saint-Ghislain
- Free – open to everyone over 12 years old
- foyerculturelsaintghislain.be – mariebertrand.be
- Foyer Culturel Saint-Ghislain
- In partnership with Transcultures and Ad Libitum