The third collaboration between the school of visual arts of Mons Arts2 (BE) and ESÄ-Nord-Pas-de-Calais in Tourcoing (Fr) – still in partnership with Transcultures and the European Pépinières de Création – which together initiated the twin studio or GMLR (bringing together the sound creation workshops of Arts2 and the art school of Tourcoing ) has started, in a connected way, in December 2020 with a cross-border workshop which brought together around ten Belgian and French students. A second wokshop is planned for the beginning of February 2021 and an exhibition should show the works of the participating students in the common gallery of ESÄ-NPdC in Tourcoing.
“Historically, there was first the desire to give a visual form to noise, sound and music, observable for example in cave art, illuminations and works by Flemish masters. Then, since the enlightenment, experimenters both in love with science and poetry, tried to combine sound and color: father Castel, Scriabin, Raoul Hausmann… Closer to us, inspired by scientists, artists use sound to translate visual data, technological or quantified: Ryoji Ikeda, Christina Kubisch… It is at the crossroads of all these sensitive and technical experiments that we are working this year by questioning our habits of perception, the reliability of our tools and our synaesthetic temptations “.
Silvain Vanot and Julien Poidevin
(GMLR coordinators for the art schools of Tourcoing / Mons)
- 07 > 18.12.20
- Coordination : Julien Poidevin, Silvain Vanot
- Partnership : Arts2, ESA Nord-Pas-de-Calais, avec le soutien de Transcultures et des Pépinières européennes de la Culture
- artsaucarre.be – esa-n.info – pepinieres.eu