07 + 21 + 28-05-2014 – Atelier Nomades Numériques – Field Recording

Field recording and digital sound editing – Initiation
Mons > Gentianes > 14:00 – 16:00
Led by musicians and sound artists Arnaud Eeckhout and Emilien Baudelot, this workshop provides young people of the Gentianes (host structure and educational assistance in the region of Mons Borinage) a thorough introduction to the techniques of field recording and sound editing with digital technologies.
Only for the residents of Gentianes.
Production : le manège.mons ,partnership Transcultures.
In the framework of projet nomade / FEDER / Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen
- Free
- Gentianes, chaussée du Roeulx à Mons.
- www.transcultures.be • www.projet-nomade.eu