‘C2M1’ is a “media performance” exploring written and coded communication, from the invention of writing to mobile phone texting by way of printing technologies. The question raised by ‘C2M1’ is the following: what is the direct influence of new technologies on language? In order to provide an answer, ‘C2M1’ is conceived around the presence of a screen as well as several technological devices featured on the stage, such as telephones, a tape recorder, an electrophone, etc.
On this stage, two performers (Siegfried Canto, musician and Magali Desbazeille, visual artist), will make a point of using these communication devices in unexpected ways: the musician will use them as tools for musical improvisation, while the artist will see them as sources of real or fictional memories, belonging to humanity as a whole or herself alone…
History blends in the present while we try to envision a future, as obsolete technologies curiously compare to new means of communication. The performance will be followed by a debate (in French) with the artists.
Siegfried Canto : textes ; mise en scène, scénographie, images, sons et performance : Magali Desbazeille, Siegfried Canto ; graphisme : Mikhail Margolis (aka SFR75). Conception et performance : Siegfried Canto et Magali Desbazeille. Dramaturgie : Julie Valero Scientifique associé : Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. Graphisme : Mikhail Margolis. Lumière et effets spéciaux : Fabrice Blaise. Production et diffusion : Vanessa Vallée. Production déléguée : Cie ASAP Co-producteurs : Ars numérica de Montbéliard, le RAN-Réseau Arts Numériques avec l’Espace Mendes France/le Lieu Multiple, le Centre des Arts d’Enghien, l’Ososphère/Quatre4.0, Transcultures et avec l’aide à la maquette et à la production du Dicream. Partenaires: L’Atheneum, le Théâtre paris-villette et les plateaux associés d’Arcadi, La Ferme du Buisson, scène nationale de Marne La Vallée.
In the framework of Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s) / Interreg IV Vlanderen-France-Wallonie.
- Entrée libre / free
- Salle des Arbalestriers, 1 rue du gouvernement (aile droite de la Maison Folie)
- citysonic.be