04-10-2014 – Twist de Arnaud Eeckhout + Vivian Barigand @ La Nuit Blanche Bxl 2014
Posted on 26/09/2014 in 2014, Agenda, All news, Artists, Belgium / FWB, Distribution, Production, Soundart

Welcome to the 4th dimension with this illusionist installation premiered at Festival City Sonic in Mons in 2012. We should have thought of this: aluminium foil on a grand scale, here demonstrating its powerful hypnotic properties, both visual and aural.
The foil itself, which twists and undulates, interacts with the space and the bodies of the viewers; suggests wind, rain, the sea, a whole landscape, and immerses them in an atmosphere conducive to perpetual contemplation.
Une installation de Arnaud Eeckhout et Vivian Barigand.
Production: Transcultures
- Free
- Grand Casino Brussels Viage – Boulevard Anspach 30