Coordinated by multi-media artist JulienPoidevin and Arnaud Eeckhout, this workshop “Digital and sound Emergences” (a collaboration between visual arts school of Mons Arts2 and Transcultures) hosts artists/students of Arts2 (Mons) and Saint-Luc (Brussels) to develop digital and sound installations. A selection of those works will be presented at Festival City Sonic in September 2016 in Mons.
Featuring Heloise Lega with architecture silhouettes producing sounds (from the Internet) to bring them to the intimate sphere, Emmanuel Selva seeking out the work of the canvas with the use of the mapping, Helga Dejaegher working on the waiting feeling, the elastic time during train travellings, Maxence Tambosco with an interactive installation transforming the public phrases and songs in front of a screen, Sophie Stassin in a delicate world where small movements in glasses play with shadows and produce crystalline sounds, and Dimitri Baheux making visible the clicks of the mouse as many tasks, symptoms of our frenzied consumption, transferred to a music score performed by a pianist of music conservatory of Mons.
public presentation 01.07 – 11:00>13.00
- 27.06 >01.07.2016
- Arts2
- Carré des Arts, 4a rue des Soeurs noires, Mons
- free
- esapv.be
Partnership Transcultures, Arts2