23.06.017 – Concerts OMFI#25 (One Moment Free Improv) @ Sterput Bruxelles
Posted on 15/06/2017 in 2017, Agenda, All news, Artists, Belgium / FWB, Concerts, Distribution, Partners, Production, Soundart

This new OMFI event (One Moment Free Improv) organized by Maurice Charles JJ and Matthieu Safatly in the intimate Brussels art space Sterput, features Julian Edwardes (The Netherlands) master of modular synths and the duo composed by Jacques Foschia (magician of radio receivers) and Constantin Papageorgiadis (EMS synth).
OMFI (One Moment Free Improv) is a series of perfomances (organised by Jean-Jacques Duerinckx and Matthieu Safatly) with free improvisation as a common thread.
- 23.06.017
- Sterput – Galerie E²
- Rue du Pont Neuf 4, 1000 Bruxelles
- 5 €
- galerie-e2.org – one-moment-free-improv.com – transonic.be
OMFI in partnership with Transcultures and the alter label Transonic