For the third time, Eastern Belgium at night presents, in partnership with Transcultures and the Transonic indie label, ‘Solstices’, an adventurous and convivial audio evening dedicated to the longest day of the year, with concerts, readings and non-compliant performances in different places (church, garden, private interior …) of the pretty village of Fontin (near Liège).
‘Solstices 2018 ‘ features Alain Wergifosse (open spaces electronics, field recordings entomological,), Piccolo Coro (transported & carrying choir, voice defense), Tartart (spoken word & electro), Jean-Claude Charlier & his orchestra (cassette breaks) comeback head, resident of the Phônes’s country), Merzde (readings post-Dadaists, Merzbau inspiration) and Matthieu Safatly (cellos in loops and detours, poetic maneuvers in the dark).
- 16.06.2018 – 19.00 > 24.00
- Maison Maldoror
- 22 chemin de la Xhavée, 4130 Fontin
- free
- easternbelgiumatnight.be – transcultures.be – transonic.be
Production Eastern Belgium at night in partnership with Transcultures and the Transonic label