17 > 21.12.2018 | Alain Wergifosse + Philippe Franck – Soundart Workshop
Posted on 07/12/2018 in 2018, Agenda, All news, Artists, Belgium / FWB, Mediation, Partners, Philippe Franck, Production, Projects, Soundart, Transcultures team, Workshops, Young artists

Within his module of research in sound art at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (ARBA-ESA), Philippe Franck (teacher, director of Transcultures and sound artist) is inviting the Belgian sound and intermedia artist Alain Wergifosse for a workshop with Belgian and European visual/performance students who’ll be able to integrate different technics of sound captation and digital processing related to their installation and performatif projects. With the help of Helga Dejaegher (Transcultures) for the technical coordination.
- 17 > 21.12.2018
- Rue du Midi, 144, Bruxelles
- free (closed registrations)
- arba-esa.be
Production Transcultures in partnership with the Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles