As part of their mobility program, the Creative European Pepinieres and Est-Nord-Est Centre are launching a call for applications for artist residencies in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec. For its 2019 programming, ENE welcomes two European artists for residency periods of two months each.
Amount of the grant offered to the selected artists
The Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (CALQ) offers a CAD $ 4,000 grant for a two-month residency (8 weeks) to each selected artists.
Est-Nord-Est (ENE) is an artist-run centre the mandate of which is to provide an international community of artists and authors in contemporary art with support by offering space and time for research and experimentation, as well as privileged access to local resources and knowhow.
The year 2019 is pivotal in the history of ENE: following the complete reconstruction of the centre’s premises on its current site, the year will be one of change as ENE inaugurates its new home.
The eight-week residency periods bring together four artists and one author writing about contemporary art and are generally offered in the spring, summer, and fall. However, this year ENE undertook a major capital investment project, as part of which its premises will be completely reconstructed by summer 2019. Due to this major construction project, ENE is cancelling its spring 2019 residency and will offer residencies in the summer and fall. As a consequence, only eight artists and two authors will be selected for ENE’s 2019 programming, which will be held in the new building for the first time.
Proposed field of expression for this residence
Visual and Media Arts
Residency periods
- Summer: July 8 to August 30, 2019
- Fall: September 16 to November 8, 2019
For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact Jacques Urbanska at the following address: urbanskaj@hotmail.com> Subject (important): Pépinières ENE2018
NB: Est-Nord-Est won’t be able to support your travel expenses, but can send you a letter of invitation that might eventually help you to find – on your own – some support with your government or another additional assistance for them.
The eight-week residency includes:
- Residency honorarium of CAD $4,000
- Access to an individual studio-workshop to be used for work and lodging
- Access to specialized equipment (wood, metal, ceramics)
- Access to a documentation centre (books, magazines)
- Access to local resources
- Technical and logistical support
- Use of a bicycle
ENE offers artists:
- Time and a place to devote themselves to research and experimentation
- Privileged access to local resources and diverse areas of knowhow
- An international art community
Expectations towards the artists:
- To make full use of the residency period offered for his/her research
- To be present during the entire residency period
- To present his/her approach and research interests at the beginning of the residency at a public event organized by ENE
- To present his/her research and experiments carried out during the residency at a public event organized by ENE at the end of the residency period
- OPTIONAL: To propose a workshop for a youth or community organization in the region (an additional fee of $100 is offered to artists whose workshop proposal is selected)
Artists are selected according to the following criteria:
- The artistic quality of the proposal
- The potential impact of the residency on the artist’s career
- A constructive mix of art practices
- A mix of genders and generations
- Representation by residents from Quebec, Canada, and around the world
Eligible applicants
- The call is aimed primarily at emerging professional artists aged up to 35 years (the emerging artist concept is left to the discretion of the jury, which will be based primarily on the artist’s career more than on his age)
- have a professional artistic status
- have one European citizenship or be a European resident
- Your application must be submitted
Your application must include
- A curriculum vitae (maximum two pages, PDF format)
- An artist’s statement (maximum one page, PDF format)
- A text presenting your research, experimentation, or production intentions, including any specific needs in terms of technical resources, if applicable (maximum one page, PDF format)
- A portfolio of 10 to 15 images (JPG format) accompanied by a description list of the images
- For videos, provide a link (Vimeo, YouTube), accompanied by the password, if applicable. Make sure that the videos will be accessible until April 1, 2019
To apply
- To submit an application, please download your compressed file (.rar .zip etc. – maximum 500 MB) via the UPLOAD BOX provided for this purpose | Password : residence
- The uploaded folder will be named as: PEC_ENE-2018_last name_first name
- Please wait for the complete upload of your file before closing/refreshing the page
- After the upload of your file, please send a confirmation email to Jacques Urbanska (urbanskaj@hotmail.com) > Subject (important): Pépinières ENE2018
* To be valid, your application must be filed December 1, 2018 at midnight (Paris time) at the latest.
* All applications sent by mail, incomplete or received after the deadline will be automatically rejected.
Originally based on the idea of encounters between sculptors with contemporary practices and those using regional traditional skills, ENE now welcomes contemporary visual-arts artists from all disciplines. The residencies at ENE are intended for professional artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world. They offer artists and authors an opportunity to explore their research more deeply, to experiment, and to create in a cultural space that is unique, lively, and stimulating. ENE is a member of Res Artis, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes and of the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec.
The artists and the curator or the writer share a collective house next door to the Est-Nord-Est studios. It has five bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms and a laundry room. The artists have access to an individual studio space, a woodwork shop, various tools, mainly for wood – but also metal and stone, technical and logistical support, certain electronic equipment… and a bicycle.
See all list of the equipment on the ENE website
The territory
The centre is situated in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, a village on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, in a unique geographic and historical locale. The predominant aspects of the landscapes are farms, forests, and the river. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is situated 115 km from Quebec City and 350 km from Montreal.
Artists are selected according to the following criteria:
- The artistic quality of the proposal
- The potential impact of the residency on the artist’s career
- A constructive mix of art practices
- A mix of genders and generations
- Representation by residents from Quebec, Canada, and around the world
A jury of peers evaluates the applications. For each residency, ENE selects artists and authors whose practices are complementary in nature or in dialogue with each other and comply with its mandate.
Les European Pepinieres of Creation (Creative European Pepinieres)
The European Pepinieres of Creation facilitate and foster the mobility of young artists, in view of their professionalisation on the european and international scenes. In order to implement these actions, Pépinières develop mobility, artistic creation, coproduction, dissemination and training programmes to enable young artists and creative professionals to develop and share artistic projects with the audiences they encounter. In a cross-cutting and prospective approach, Nurseries are particularly attentive to new hybrid creative practices as well as digital cultures.
- dealine : 01.12.2018
- Est-Nord-Est
- 335 Avenue de Gaspé O, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Canada
- info : urbanskaj@hotmail.com
- langageplus.com – sagamie.com – pepinieres.eu
This international residencies program is made possible with the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (in partnership with the Pépinières européennes).
National coordinator: Diane Isabelle, Program attachee Direction of support for diffusion and international outreach, International Council for Arts and Letters of Québec