08 > 11.04.2019 | Blue Ascent performance – research residency – Montreal
Posted on 02/04/2019 in 2019, Agenda, All news, Artists, International, Isa Belle, Philippe Franck, Production, Projects, Residencies, Soundart, Transcultures team

Quebec dancers / choreographers Manon Oligny (director of Cie Manon fait de la danse) and Maryline Daoust join forces with sound artists Philippe Franck (composition mixing electronics, guitar and voice – Belgium) and Isa Belle (bowls, gongs and acoustic vibrating objects – France) to create a performance starting from the blue color, poetically associating movement and sound (with also the contribution in sound treatment of Marc Doutrepont who will join the team in October 2019 in a second work residence organized by Transcultures in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels).
The purpose in this reception at the studio of choreographer Marie Chouinard is to experiment first creative crossings.
- 08 > 11.04.2019
- Studio Marie Chouinard – Montréal Québec
- manonfaitdeladanse.com – transcultures.be
- Partnership C° Manon fait de la Danse – Transcultures