31.01 > 07.02.2020 | Transcultures @ Festival FARaway Reims | Kika Nicolela
Posted on 06/01/2020 in 2020, Agenda, All news, Artists, Distribution, International, Partners, Pepinieres, Production, Projects, Transcultures team, Video Arts

Kika Nicolela – Exchange area
At the suggestion of Transcultures, Césaré presents in the FARaway festival, an exhibition by the Brazilian visual artist Kika Nicolela, with three works – which while being very diverse in their approaches – offer variations on the idea of exchange and sharing .
- ‘Blindly’ (audio visual installation created in response to April 17, 2016, when members of the Brazilian Congress voted in favor of the “impeachment” process of Dilma Roussef, the country’s first female president)
- A new edition of the ‘Exquisite Corpse Video Project’ (ECVP) inspired by the surrealist creation method, the « exquisite corpse », for which Kika Nicolela (also curator) invites twenty artists from around the world to participate on the theme of agitating artists
- A creation with the inhabitants of Red Cross district of Reims which follows a residency with Césaré for a creation project, which involves the participation of residents of this district.
- 31.01 > 07.02.2020
- Opening – 04.02 -19.30
- Festival 13:00 > 19:00 – Thu. > Sat | 13:00 > 18:00 – Sun | closed on Monday
- Free
- La Comédie – 3 Chaussée Bocquaine, Reims – France
- farawayfestival.eu – transcultures.be – pepinieres.eu
- Partnership : Césaré, Kika Nicolela, European Pepinieres of Creation, Transcultures