A special command from Transcultures to Dj Snooba to punctuate the end of confinement with travelers, swaying and poetic mixes (and participation of surprise guests). Listen online or on Radio Panik and its radio partners.
Episode #1
We never set out to write a specific style; after playing & sharing music for so many years, like radio hoster as clubs & hot cultural parties fanatic, but also created ”ART Radio’ with emphasizes electro- acoustic & amalgamated electronic & archives samples or including radio documentaries realisation, creative media workshops youth coaching, indie play lists curator, and of course the night life dynamic segment. The whole’s specially taking us for that each process integrates as kind of interfaith sound philosophy. So you don’t really think about what you’re doing. It’s not always a conscious process, it’s often very natural while integrating learning processes.
With filiation of belgium creative creolized pioneer activists from arty radios like Panik, Grenouille, Campus, Canal B, FM Brussel, NTS, WFMU, hot spots culture, collage users & dj’s, Brussels/Gent/Antwerp streets, edges and recesses, popular districts, football stadium, la Tramontane, Jurassik park and a patchwork of global letfield sounds tips at a crossroads engrafted to the soul. I can hear what might have influenced it. we wouldn’t say “who” it’s more “what” we’re fine tuned what outboard I needed, and what tracks & dynamic i wanted to use.
We just try to understand the world’s general atmosphere of vibrations called the surrounding to evokes the places, a moment and the rituals that’s followed. A ghostly trace remains not devoid of spirituality. Making use of the multifaceted programming options, we achieve organic interaction between heat or cold, through the cracks and light.
Episode #2
Our round trip could simultaneously represent despair at a lack of unity and (in)coherence, while suggesting that (in)coherence might result from a process of rearrangement, between wandering and nomadism, between singularity & community, between acceleration and slowness, between isolation and existentialism, between ipostasis and anemism to tend of illustrate the increasingly individualized & collective nature of experience.
Episode #3
Maps and territories. The savage looks at us without our perceiving it. It disappears when the eyes of the man grab it. How strange it would be, at the end of a mutical existence, to realize that one always possessed at the bottom of oneself this wild cry, opposite to the voice that one could have imagined. In the Wild Life rests the safeguard of the world. “J’étais aussi libre et aussi sauvage qu’un coyote.” #Truman Capote
- Episod 1 > 09.05.2020 | 20:00 + 16.05.2020 | 12:00 > 105.4 FM (Bruxelles) + podcast
- Episod 2 > 20.06.2020 | 20:00 > 105.4 FM (Bruxelles) + podcast
- Banner by Sean Schievers
- radiopanik.org
- Partnership : Radio Panik, Transcultures, Transonic Label
- In the framework of No Lockdown Art (NoLA 2020), programme Creaconnections
- transcultures.be – pepinieres.eu