No Lockdow Art – #NoLA2020 | Laureates

No Lockdow Art – #NoLA2020 | Laureates

Following the call for projects #NoLA – No Lockdown Art (Creaconnections program) launched by Transcultures and the European Pepinieres of Creation in the first days of confinement and which closed on May 15, 2020, some 125 applications were selected by the selection from more than 400 proposals received on the Facebook group Transcultures/Pépinières.

All the applications, which you can find below, show a great diversity of aesthetics, mood and medium (video / cinema, photo, dance / performance, sound creation, comics, animation, digital arts …) but also of libertarian expression refusing any form of imprisonment or censorship.

The creators responded from all over the confined planet. They offered us as many poetic, offbeat, committed, disturbing, touching visions… which will remain snapshots of this strange period which was as stimulating as disturbing which already appears to be historic. They also helped us to get through a form of confinement and to continue to move as constructively and creatively as possible towards this “next world” which is already underway and in which culture will have to play an important role.

The European Pepinieres of Creation and Transcultures launched, in spontaneity of urgency, from March 2020 the initiative No Lockdown Art (NoLA) as a breath of fresh air both for these structures and for contemporary creation differentiated, multi and media that they support.

It was also a matter of providing support for artistic and cultural projects that seemed emblematic to us, at different levels: help for creation and production (with greater financial support), even for some, longer-term support with support for the design of more matrix projects likely to aggregate other contributions in the coming months distribution assistance (online, but potentially also for some via future events associated with partners).

Given the number of quality projects received, in two months (which did not facilitate the selection), the partners decided to to increase the initial budgets planned for the NoLA laureates and by dividing them into several categories which each have their own modality of specific aids. We will contact the laureates as soon as possible during the month of July. Many thanks to all the people who participated to this call.

financial, promotion, assistance support: grants between 300 and 1500 euros

Collective projects
financial support: grants 300 euros

Comics Project
financial support: grants 150 euros

Multimedia projects
financial and promotional support: grants 150 euros

Photographic projects
financial support: grants 150 euros

Multimedia/Sound arts projects – Transonic album/booklet offered to winners who wish to participate
promotion support: each participant will receive 10 CD albums / Booklet
The album will be produced and distributed by the Transonic label
Special mentions
We would also like to highlight the quality of some projects (finalized or in progress) which could not be selected here, but which also deserve special attention.

And also:

All selected candidates
find all the selection published on the Transcultures/Pépinières group
