From a selection of texts (in the framework of the “Confined correspondences” commissioned during the recent lockdown period by Transcultures and the European Pepinieres of Creation and their No Lockdown Art programme) written by different authors/artists from different countries, the sound artist/producer Paradise Now has created several audio cinematic pieces from the the voices and read writings of these authors (and other guests for the occasion).
- June 2020 : Catrine Godin (Qc), Habiba Sheikh (USA), Philippe Boisnard (Fr), Eric Therer (Be), Christophe Bailleau (Be), Maja Jantar (Nl/Be), Paradise Now (Be)
- December 2020 : Alexandre Castant (Fr), Philippe Baudelot (Fr), Werner Moron (Be)
- Spring 2021 : …
No Lockdown Sonopoetics
A selection of these texts, read by their authors, was the subject of a sound work by the artist and producer Paradise Now to constitute the album “No Lockdown Sonopoetics” and is already available for listening on the transonic bandcamp. These correspondences are also here between the writing, the reading voice and the sound creation which is adapted to each poetic piece.
This online album will be gradually completed and will be released as a discographic production (CD + Booklet), in 2021 (on the indie label Transonic, in its Sonopoetics series dedicated to creations combining poetry/living literature and sound creation).
- 05 > 12.2020
- Project initiated & coordinated by Philippe Franck
- philippefranck.eu
- Production : Transcultures, Pépinières européennes de Création, Transonic Label
- In the framework of No Lockdown Art (NoLA 2020), Creaconnections program
- transcultures.be – pepinieres.eu – transonic.be