The latest issue of the Quebec art review Inter (french) offers a fascinating dossier on “Practices of silence, sound and orality” (coordinated by the Canadian sociologist of culture and essayist Martin Nadeau as well as the Italian performer/poet/polyartist Giovanni Fontana featuring international contributors: Magali Babin, Nathalie Côté, Silvio De Gracia, Jacques Donguy, Guillaume Dufour Morin, Julie Faubert, Bartolomé Ferrando, Giovanni Fontana, Philippe Franck, Caroline Gagné, Christophe Havard, Michaël La Chance, Hélène Matte, Barbara Meazzi, Martin Nadeau, Raphaël Ouellet, Mathieu Parent, Benoît Plante, Marianne Simon-Oikawa, Sandro Sproccati, Alexandre St-Onge.
Philippe Franck interviewed the academic, French essayist (let us recall in passing his sum reference Bernard Heidsieck, action poetry and more recently Trois poètes de trop – René Guil, Jean-François Bory, Lucien Suel), self-proclaimed “noisy poet” Jean -Pierre Bobillot around his critical experience of poetry-action and his personal poetic-performative practice.
Revue Inter : art actuel
Published three times a year, “Inter : art actuel” is a cultural periodical disseminating various forms of contemporary art: performance, installation, poetry, maneuver, multimedia while questioning the relationship of art to the social and cultural, to the political. and ethics. Entirely produced in Quebec since 1978, “Inter : art actuel” has regional branches throughout Quebec, a regular correspondent in France and international collaborators in various sectors of the world artistic scene.
- Revue Inter : art actuel #137 – Printemps 2021
- Format papier – Format Electronique
- inter-lelieu.org