The artist Rachel M. Cholz, supported by Transcultures for her project “Viens Valeur”, is releasing her first story with our partners at La Lettre Volée. “No ou le pactole” was the winner of the National Aid for the Creation of Dramatic Texts from ARTCENA (National Center for Circus, Street and Theater Arts) in 2021.
A reading was organized by ARTCENA and Rue du Conservatoire as part of “First Listening”, an audio meeting to discover a text and authors.
No ou le pactole
« Les bras de Noémie c’est plein d’étoiles filantes. Quand tu regardes à l’intérieur tu vois qu’il y en a qui datent et d’autres qui viennent de mourir. Mais elle s’en fout Noémie, elle veut juste qu’on lui relève sa manche parce qu’elle veut pas mettre plein de liquide dessus quand elle se désinfecte les bouts de verre du pastis. Après elle rigole parce que ça pique l’alcool 90. »
“Noémie’s arms are full of shooting stars. When you look inside you see that there are some who date and others who have just died. But she doesn’t care, Noémie, she just wants us to roll up her sleeve because she doesn’t want to put a lot of liquid on it when she disinfects the pieces of pastis glass. Afterwards she laughs because it stings alcohol 90.”
Noémie, she does not live in the street, she inhabits it. This text is dedicated to him. We get to know her through her wanderings, her moods, her loves and her desire to break everything. To stay alive, Noémie always measures herself to excess. This story follows her in the present, and attempts to perceive her through the architecture of a square and the head-architectures that gravitate all around it.
Rachel M. Cholz
Rachel M. Cholz divides her time between Geneva, Paris and Brussels, where she currently lives. Besides writing stories, she writes and creates projects for the stage and digital arts. By placing the language at the center of the dramaturgy, she delights in the paradoxes of language like nail art in the grease.
She moved to Brussels in 2010 where she began a course at ENSAV La Cambre. Following a bachelor’s degree in Urban Space (Art in Public Space) with sound and print-making option, she set up an engraving studio and worked there for four years while getting involved in a performance collective and professionalizing herself as a lighting designer. At the same time, she developed writing work, deciding to specialize in writing for installation/performance and theatre. She then completed a master’s degree in theatrical writing at INSAS, from 2016 to 2018.
Today, she participates in open mics, storytelling, installation-performance and theater. Through her structure called Avril[s], Rachel M. Cholz aims to stage her texts, but also works on multidisciplinary projects. In 2021, she staged her play Trois pour cent sauvage, which was created at the Bellone, at the Project(ion) room, then performed at the Le Lac cultural center and at the Open Theater.
She likes to work in collaboration with people who are not directly linked to the world of the stage, in formats that are not necessarily entertainment. Apart from his staging, and the Viens Valeur project, his latest story No ou le pactole, reporting on street life in Brussels (winner of national aid for the creation of dramatic texts from ARTCENA) has been published by La Lettre Volée in 2022.
- 19.08.2022 | Implementation (France)
- La Lettre Volée Edition
- lettrevolee.com
- La Lettre volée
- Support for creation – Category “Dramatic texts” ARTCENA