08 > 12.05.2018 | Black Boxes – Exposition Artiste en Résidence @ UCL 2018

08 > 12.05.2018 | Black Boxes – Exposition Artiste en Résidence @ UCL 2018

On the occasion of the year Louvain 2017-2018 dedicated to the digital worlds, Transcultures proposed the French artist Nicolas Maigret and the international working group DISNOVATION.ORG for a residence and a seminar at the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve. They were supervised by Jacques Urbanska, in charge of art s) and digital projects at Transcultures and with the contribution and technical assistance of French artist/programmer Franck Soudan.

At the end of this process, the Blackbox exhibition shows, at the Museum L (which also hosts the last days of the exhibition Ecritures numériques with its 2 parts Cabinet of digital curiosities and DISNOVATION.ORG) digital art projects resulting from the collaboration between Nicolas Maigret / DISNOVATION.ORG, the supervisors and fifteen students from different sections of the UCL.

Probe digital black boxes

In this exercise of “making visible”, there is often in the artists who question the digital cultures, a real will to transmit. If they do not take digital for granted, if they question it, if they reveal what technologies are changing in our lives, it is above all so that audiences can “understand”, “appropriate” these logics “,” to find meaning “. This desire for accessibility structured the seminar. Through moments of reflection and practice where students have been able to conceptualize and experiment concretely, the residency / seminar gives them some ‘keys of knowledge’. The achievements of the students will be tangible translations of these explorations of black boxes of technologies with ‘the means of the edge’.

Note that this opening also gives access to the permanent exhibitions, as well as to the temporary exhibition ‘Ecritures numériques’ at Musée L.


UCL Culture with Transcultures and partnershipt of  UCL and the Musée L.

  • UCL Culture with Transcultures
  • With help of UCL et du Musée L.
  • In partnership with Pepinieres Europeennes de Creation
