In the framework of Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes MAP programme*, Transcultures, Interdisciplinary centre for digital and sound cultures, together with the City of Charleroi (Belgium), with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, is launching a call for a 12 weeks (maximum) creative residency in order to develop a new project (installation, performance or other artistic device) in the field of the digital/media/sound arts.
The residency will take place during the year 2017 (subject to the availability of the artist) and will lead to the presentation of the project as part of an event taking place at the end of the residency.
Deadline : March 20th 2017 at midnight (Paris time).
Selection Criteria / Eligibility Requirements
- The MAP program, which is part of this residence, focuses on young emerging artists from all spheres of expression who live in one of the countries of the European Union (except Belgium) or Pépinièrs associated countries with the capacity to propose a project in the field of digital/media/sound arts (arts + science / technology / research / innovation …).
- A group of artists (maximum 2 people) can respond to the call, taking into account that the budgetary conditions remain the same.
- The following artworks are eligible: sound/multimedia interactive installations, mobile applications (smarphones, digital tablets), generative and networked artworks, bioart and virtual/augmented reality projects, multidisciplinary digital creations …
- The submission could be a new creation, an adaptation or a a new version of previous works already produced (under the condition of fitting into the technical and financial conditions of the call).
- The artistic project must be able to be developed on local territory (and will include at least an awareness-raising campaign with local partners) in agreement with Transcultures and its partners.
- Special attention will be given to projects related to contemporary and/or innovative societal issues.
- The artistic proposal and all production costs must be able to fit into the technical and financial conditions of the call.
Budgetary Conditions
This residence residence is provided with an all-inclusive and a stay between 8 and 12 weeks maximum (at 300€/week > max. 3600€ in total per residence) and accommodation in the city center of Charleroi, as well as artistic and technical follow-up, needed equipment and assistance to communication.
How to participate ?
- Create an account and submit summary of your project on Pépinières européennes’ pro platform (guidelines on this document).
- Applications must be registered on the e.mobility platform before March 20th 2016 at midnight (Paris time) to be valid. Should you face any technical issue, please write pepinieres@art4eu.net before this date.
- Once you have completed the online registration, send a complete file of your project (see below)(to Jacques Urbanska, project manager at Transcultures – urbanskaj@hotmail.com (object: European pepinieres Transcultures residencies 2017).
This file will include at least a copy of the responses to the form filed that you submited on emobility.pro or a more extensive artistic file with visuals and links… so that we have more information about your proposal.
If you have any doubt or questions, do not hesitate to send an email to Jacques Urbanska.
Structure of the file(s) to be sent by email
(text or pdf format)
- a text presenting your artistic approach and your motivation
- a presentation of the project, including a preliminary production schedule
- a forecast technical sheet
- a recent CV of the artist and a presentation of his potential collaborators
- some important documents to illustrate your approach / previous artistic works or projects: images links (Flickr or others), audio links (Soundcloud or others), video links (Vimeo or others) …
These documents must be in French or English.
The jury will be composed of the Transcultures team as well as some professional guests of contemporary arts and local partners. The result will be announced directly to the candidates by e-mail within the days following the deadline of the call and will be published on the websites of the European pepinieres for Young Artists and Transcultures.
*About Pepinière euro and MAP Program
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes facilitate and foster the mobility of young artists, in view of their professionalisation on the european and international scenes. In order to implement these actions, Pépinières develop mobility, artistic creation, coproduction, dissemination and training programmes federated by the concept “Encounter and joint creation”, that enable young artists and creative professionals to develop artistic projects to be shared with the audiences they encounter.
Attentive to the movements of the contemporary arts’ scene, MAP addresses emerging designers from all disciplines who explore new practices by crossing fields of expression. The programme aims to support young artists and creative players in their professionalization course and facilitates openness to various forms of artistic creation, multiplicity of experiences, the crossing of artistic fields and mutual enrichment.
Interdisciplinary Center for Digital and Sound Cultures (Artistic Director: Philippe Franck), Transcultures is an association born in 1996 in order to promote and develop crossings between contemporary artistic practices and arts/society/technology stakes; focusing in particular on sound art and digital creation. Since 2008, Transcultures is settled in Charleroi (Belgium) and through its new interdisciplinary center, is working on production, mediation and reflection regarding electronic and sound projects.
Transcultures has supported Belgian and international artists, produced a large number of interdisciplinary, electronic & sound art works and organized international art festivals and special events. Transcultures also sends abroad its productions and supported artists in relation with other music / sound / digital arts festivals, organizations and networks.
Transcultures is now running two international festivals: City Sonic is a sound art festival dedicated to the sound diversity through urban space & Transnumeriques, which are a platform for electronic and digital arts, broadcasting emergent or reknowned artists, and linking various Belgian and French cultural structures.
Through belgian, european & international projects, Transcultures has worked with more than hundred structures in four continents. It is one of the founding member of RAN-DAN (Digital Art Network) and the Numediart Consortium and it is board/active member of some other great artistic & industries networks (Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes, FabLab Mons, TWIST, Creative Valley…).
- deadline 20.03
.2017 - 8 et 12 weeks maximum in 2017
- 300 euros/weeks > 3600 € TTC maximum for the residence
- Charleroi – Belgium
Transcultures, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes, associés avec la Ville de Charleroi (Belgique) et avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Transcultures est coordinateur des Pépinières européennes pour Jeunes Artistes en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.