Stephan Dunkelman

Stephan Dunkelman

Projects manager (sound arts)

Stephan Dunkelman helps in the production and monitoring of the sound arts Transcultures projects.

As a composer, Stephan has participated in numerous art projects and has won several awards at international competitions. His collaborations with artists of various disciplines have opened infinite fields of creation and experimentation for him. His music is involved in projects of development of scenographies, choreographies (Michel Kelemenis, Michèle Noiret), exhibitions (Angel Vergara, Phil Billen), and contributes to the work of filmmakers (André Dartevelle, Wim Vandekeybus), directors (Derek Goldby), and even musicians (Michaël Grébil).

His work consists of joining together animated time and space. It is a question of developing, to one side, spatial expressions for the musical, to integrate these into already existing ones, drawing during the course of realization while that of new expressions of the time are revealed. It is a question of modulating, on the other side, sound motifs chosen for their morphological or imaginary qualities, by lighting up their rhiza to energize them. This is also to play with the mental images that they suggest, and thus to perceive the nature of animated phenomena that flow from it.

  • +32 478 52 05 74