Newsletter October 2012

Newsletter October 2012

After the huge success of the opening of the exhibition Sonic Cinema at Galeries, Brussels, City Sonic will propose in Brussels 2 last events of this 10th edition linked to the cinema (Poussières d’Amérique, a film by Arnaud des Pallières at Galeries on October 4th and Kairos by Alexis Destoop with soundtracks by Oren Ambarchi and Stephen O’Mailley at Flagey + City Sonic closing party). Check out also the Sonic Kids workshop at Flagey-Brussels, the Renaissance 2.0 exhibition at Mundaneum-Mons and other Transcultures friendly performances in France this month (by Todor Todoroff+Laura Colmerales Guerra at Le Cube) and Philippe Franck+Gauthier Keyaerts+Isa Belle at La Saline Royale.

Arnaud Des Pallières
Poussières d’Amérique

+ Sonic Cinema
Bruxelles > Galeries > projection à 19:30


A subjective history of the United States made of private archives, fiction text and music presented by its producer Michel Klein (les films Hatari) for Sonic Cinema.

+ exhibtion Sonic Cinema (with Christian Marclay, Régis Cotentin, Christian Vialard, Pierre Beloüin, Natalia de Mello + The Aktivist, Bertrand Bonello, Christophe Bailleau, Ramuntcho Matta, Christian Frisson…) @ Galeries Expo till 14 October (closed on Monday).

+ Sonic Cinema@Nuit Blanche, concerts/Djs sets Buzz on your lips (salle 1), Dolphins into the future (hall) Bodyscape (salle 3) – exhibition opened till 5 am.

Production :Transcultures-City Sonic, Galeries

Jacques Urbanska + Vincent Paesmans
< iframes >

opening Renaissance 2.0
Mons > Mundaneum > 18:00


As part of the exhibition Renaissance 2.0 (a trip to the origins of the web) curated by Vincent Delvaux at Mundaneum (exhibition space and archives centre), < iframes > (whose prototype was presented at the Biennale of digital cultures Les Transnumériques – Connectic’arts, Brussels) is a real time installation exploring the endless information fluxes coming from the social networks. It questions in real time the information society, “dark web’ and the representation of the ever mutating network.

Production Transcultures

Sonic kids (la nature mise en musique)

Bruxelles > Flagey > 14:00>17:00  


Sonic kids goes to Flagey, Brussels for the first time with a workshop (the nature in music) proposed by Livescape’ Aurélien Giraudet and other members of the audio-visual poetic digital combo. From 8 to 12 year old.

  • Free
  • Réservations: +32 (0)2 641 10 10 –

Todor Todoroff + Laura Colmenares Guerra

Issy-les-Moulineaux > Le Cube > 20:30


Mixing real and dreamy worlds, electronic music and video images, Evanescens is an AV performance previously shown at JIM (musical digital days)-Les Transnumériques in Mons. At the centre of this poetic interactive device, Sigrid Vandenbogaerde augmented with sensors plays the cello multiplying her acoustic sound also interacting with the dancing video.

With the support of Cellule Arts Numériques de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, ARTeM, UMons / Institut Numediart, Le Manège.Mons / Transdigital, Le Manège.Maubeuge – Scène Nationale, La Gare Numérique. Thanks to Musiques Nouvelles, Transcultures, Technocité, iMal

Alexis Destoop – Kairos
(Projection + presentation)
+ Brussels Closing Party City Sonic#10

Bruxelles > Flagey > 20:00


Invited by Transcultures/City Sonic and Flagey, Belgian filmmaker Alexis Destoop will present at Sutdio 5 his new film Kaïros (Belgian premiere, after the Biennale of Sidney -music by Oren Ambarchi, Stephen O’Malley) somewhere between Science fiction and isolated Australian landscapes. His previous film Pandora (2007, music by Oren Ambarchi) will be presented on TV monitors. The evening (and the festival City Sonic#10) will end at Le Foyer 3 with a City Sonic closing party animated by Rafael Munoz (minimal groovy mix).

Production : Flagey, Transcultures/City Sonic

Carte blanche à Philippe Franck
(Massages sonores + Transonic live bowls + Supernova)

Arc-et-Senans > Saline Royale > 09:00>17:00


In the framework o of his research residency in sound art at Saline Royale (Arc-en-Senans), City of utopias, Philippe Franck is invited to present 3 outdoor sonic performances : sound massages by Isa Belle + Paradise Now in the morning, Transonic live bowls where he join Isa Belle (bowls) and Gauthier Keyaerts (live electronic treatments) and finally at 4pm a concert by Supernova singing and playing the guitar with Gauthier Keyaerts (electronics, bass) and Isa Belle as special guest.

Production : Flagey, Transcultures/City Sonic

other recommanded friendly events

05 & 06.10.12
Ma Fureur Numérique
Opening exposition

+ concerts VJ Christophe Bailleau (05.10)
& Xavier Gazon + binohm (06.10)
Huy > Bibliothèque publique


An exhibition bridging literature and media arts featuring Belgian hybrid and digital artists (installations in the public library of Huy + AV performance by Christophe Bailleau on October 5, workshops and lectures) in the framework of “la fureur de lire” (fury of reading) in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.

  • Free (except workshops and formations)
  • Bibliothèque publique, 18b rue des Augustins, 4500 Huy
  • Reservation 085 23 07 41

Check the City Sonic website (in partnership with ) for more info on the festival and special interviews, blog dedicated to sound art…and more!