Newsletter November 2012

Newsletter November 2012

After a long City Sonic festival, Transcultures has started another season made of performances, lectures, workshops, residences…”yes we hope” as despite the crisis, we’ll go on fighting for other transcultures pushing bounderies against the global conformism.

Nicolas d’Alessandro
Lecture Sound and digital Emergences

Mons > Ecole Supérieure des Arts Plastiques et Visuels (Arts²)
> 11:00
Faire parler les objets : dix ans de design énactiviste au service de l’expression vocale


To open the series of lectures and workshops “Sound and digital emergences” initiated by Transcultures and the Visual Arts School of Mons, Nicolas d’Alessandro, researcher at Numediart – Institute for New Media Technology – University de Mons) and musician, will present his work in the field of the Interactive control of real-time vocal synthesis. (In french only).

Margarida Guia + Natalia de Mello
+ DJ Next Baxter

Lagutrop (correspondances et paysages de l’envers)
Bruxelles > Maison des Cultures de Saint-Gilles > 20:00


For the 4th event Transnomades, Transcultures and the cultural service of Saint-Gilles propose an AV performance (premiere) by Brussels based Portuguese artists Natalia de Mello (visuals) and Margardi Guia (sounds, vocals), an upside out look at the Portugal!

Production : Transcultures with support of la Commune de Saint-Gilles (Echevinat de la Culture) and in partnership with Ante Post/La lettre volée

Launch of the Transonic website


Coordonated by Philippe Franck and Gauthier Keyaerts, Transonic is a new indie label dedicated to electronic, organic, poetic music and other sounds. You can check Transonic’ first productions (LP+CD Gauthier Keyaerts Fragments#37/43, double CD 48 Cameras, « Right North » she said…, CD compilation City Sonic 2009-010-011) who got the support of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, a mini CD by Steve Kaspar live in Exit07 (Tiny Ears series) and related live events now on the beta version of (in collaboration with

Transcultures also advices

Crea numerica

Professional meetings on the digital creation in the Mediterranean region and in Africa
Tunisie > La Marsa


The second edition of Crea numerica organised by Echos Electriques and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie with the support of the Foundation Prince Claus on the theme «Train to the digital creation » will feature more than 30 participants from European/African/North American cultural centres, art schools, universities, media labs/fab labs. Check also the exhibition “Object-Sound” (featuring also media artists from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels) at Palais Abdellia, from 17 to 24 November.