Launched during the previous edition of the City Sonic festival, these shared listening sessions are meetings with professionals from the music world (musicians, critics, artists, curators…) who spend about an hour sharing their passion for music as well as sound art practices and commenting on chosen excerpts. For this second “Partage d’écoute” (“shared listening session”) at City Sonic 2014, Sébastien Biset (Art Historian, musician, zithologist and coordinator of the project Archipel at PointCulture) will explore (part conference and part listening session), with ‘Cosmopoetics’ (part conference and part listening session), the relationship between experimental music and cosmic space.
From the music of the spheres to Alvin Lucier, Disinformation, Steve Roden, the works of Kaffe Matthews and Mandy McIntosh, Matt Shoemaker, Robert Hampson… to the sounds of Nasa and the Voyager Golden Records, this “acousticosmic” journey will shed some light on the poetic links uniting the cosmos to forward-thinking music of recent decades.
En partenariat avec PointCulture
- Entrée libre / free
Médiathèque de Mons, Ilot Grand’Place, Mons