14-10-2014 – Les Oracles Liquidation finale + Percées – Québec

14-10-2014 – Les Oracles Liquidation finale + Percées – Québec

Oracles built two bridges between writers, choreographers, audio and multimedia artists. A diptych evening the first part, ‘Liquidation totale (tout doit disparaître) (Total Clearance -everything must go)’ as a creative laboratory, brings together the novelist and essayist Martine Delvaux and choreographer Manon Oligny.

The second, ‘The Oracles: Percées’ result of the encounter between the poet Catrine Godin, choreographer Karine Ledoyen, videographer Thomas Israël and the sound designer Philippe Franck. Reworked, remixed together and translated into other languages, gestures and words are found on stage and powered through a system of video and sound projection. Carried by the physical presence of the author who crosses the stage, the words danced embodied with strength and confidence.

Liquidation finale (tout doit disparaître) – Writer: Martine Delvaux ; choregraphe: Manon Oligny ; performer: Marilyn Daoust
Les Oracles : Percées – Writer: Catrine Godin ; choregraphe : Karine Ledoyen ; sound/music: Philippe Franck ;  video: Thomas Israël ; performer (video): Fabien Piché, Ariane Voineau ; conception & director : Simon Dumas.