From the original experience of the international festival of sound art City Sonic (Mons, Belgium) and from the many works that were presented since 2003, various audio inputs of these plural fields are here reviewed. Beyond the specific qualities of this contextual sound art which surrounds the city to transform it, are here explored the various interdisciplinary and poetic crosses between sound and object, visual arts, digital cultures, nomadism, environment…
Edited by Philippe Franck (director/founder of City Sonic and Transcultures), this bilingual book (French-English) features texts by Philippe Baudelot (on digital and sonic arts), Alexander Castant (excerpts of his diary of the festival), Anne-Laure Chamboissier (‘from the image to the sound and vice versa’), Jean-Paul Dessy (“the sacrament of the sound”), Philippe Franck (on the different aesthetics and approaches of the festival and another text on the experience of the platform for innovative music, Espaces Sons Hainauts), Gilles Malatray (on the sonic drift) are all gathered in this book. In addition, words of artists on their vision of sound art who participated in City Sonic, are complemented by a selection of visual and a digital compilation of sound pieces made for the festival between 2003 and 2014. This compilation* features previously unpublished or hard to find tracks specially made for the festival by Charlemagne Palestine, DJ Olive, Jean-Paul Dessy, Aymeric Hainaut, Ordinaire, Maurice Charles JJ, Bobvan, Gauthier Keyaerts, Christophe Bailleau, Eric Van Osselaer, Steve Kaspar, Isa Belle+Paradise Now, Gilles Malatray, Olivier Gain…) marking the creative diversity of City Sonic.
*If you bought the book, you can download this compilation for free (check the code inside the book).
- Editions La Lettre Volée
- 12/2014
- 280 pages
- French – English
- 25€
- lettrevolee.com
Partnership : La Lettre Volée, Transcultures with the support of manège.mons, in the framework of Espace(s) Son(s) Hainaut(s) / FEDER France-Wallonie-Vlanderen.
You can listen/buy the audio compilation via the Transonic Label.