23-04-2015 – Guy Jacquemelle talk – The Big Data makes its cinéma !

Loads of data, time travel, augmented reality, predicting crimes… these themes seem to us already daily through science fiction, especially in the movies.
But reality soon becomes close to fiction. Discover how the world today is approaching universes describe in the movies and we thought impossible.
Guy Jacquemelle, co-author of ‘Big Data: the cinema had imagined everything’. Journalist and passionate for new technologies, he has worked in the Internet world and mobile devices for 16 years. He also wrote four essays.
- 23/04/2015
- Café Europa/Mons2015, Carré des Arts, 4a rue des Soeurs noires, Mons
- free
- expositions.mundaneum.org
Coproduction : Mundaneum, Café Europa – Mons 2015