The catalog of the eleventh edition of ARTour’s biennale of contemporary art and heritage is distinguished by the quality of its carefully-designed edition under the supervision of the editorial team of the Royal Museum of Mariemont, one of the partners of this ARTour 2017.
The content is of great interest too. Daniel Vander Gucht, author, publisher and researcher in the sociology of art and culture, signed a tasty preamble on “Art and the way of collecting” echoing the theme of ARTour “Collection, collection, collector”.
One of each of the thirteen partners of this rich edition presents the theme of its exhibition and the works of the artists presented there (including Baudouin Oosterlinck at the Musée Ianchelevici, Documentation Céline Duval at the Musée de Mariemont, Pierre Alechinsky at the Center of Engraving in La Louvière, Francis Vloebergs at the Daily-Bul or Art Orienté Objet at the Museum of the Mine and Sustainable Development in Bois-du-Luc. Transcultures presents its “Digitale (re) collection” as well as the approaches and works of selected artists François Zajéga, Fabien Zocco, Julien Deswaef, Albertine Meunier, Stephan Baileux, Mathieu Zurstrassen, Thomas Israel, Jacques Urbanska + Franck Soudan / Art2.Network and the CLICK Living Lab of the Numediart Institute.
- 06.2017
- artour.be
Co-production : Centre culture la Région Centre