Organised in the framework of the media arts festival Simultan (this year on the theme ‘Possibles Futures”, 3>7 Oct017), this meeting aims to gather various European practitioners and professionals active in the fields of sound, visual arts, performance arts, and digital culture in general.
By putting together different perspectives, we hope to enable collaborative work especially via the development of new technologies and languages at the intersection of various fields of creation and research. The meeting intend to contribute to the networking of artists and organisations working in the field of digital culture across Europe and to foster the debate on the developments in media arts, focusing on long term collaborations and project development in the context of Timisoara 2021 – European Capital of Culture.
With the participation of Tere Badia [ES] / Hangar.org, Martin Bricelj Baraga [SL] / MOTA Museum, Mihai Dragan [RO] / Plan Zero, Kurt d’Haeseleer [BE] / Werktank, Philippe Franck [BE] / Transcultures, Simon de Koning [DE/NL] / Solo Music Gallery, Levente Kozma & Alin Rotariu [RO] Simultan Association, Daniele Penna [IT] / AVnode / LPM, Anamaria Pravicencu & Octav Avramescu [RO] / Sambata Sonora, Florian Weigl [NL] V2, Olof van Winden [NL] / TodaysArt & Horea Avram [RO] – moderator.
- 04 > 06.10.2017
- Romania – Timisoara
- simultan.org
Asociatia Simultan
funded by administration of national cultural fund / primaria si consiliul local timisoara