Within the framework of the European Pepinieres of Creation and the bilateral exchange Vice Versa-Résidences arts numériques crossed with La chambre blanche (Quebec), the Quebec multidisciplinary media artist Louis-Robert Bouchard and the French creator/designer/searcher Franck Soudan are starting, at Project(ion) Room (a new partner of Transcultures), a first time of research residency for their joint installation project ‘In[di]visible’.
The piece is a communication device containing three main units : a database, a data transfer device and an output display. This device will try to explore the relation between man and modern digital communication through the deceleration, visualisation, processing and the transformation of electrical and digital data flow as well as the indivisible symbiotic relation of all those elements.
- 1 résidence : automne 2018
- Project(ion) Room
- Rue de Praetere, 55 Bruxelles
- chambreblanche.qc.ca – projection-room.be – pepinieres.eu
With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International, la Ville de Charleroi, la Ville de Québec, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres de Québec, Culture et Communication Québec, Conseil des Arts du Canada. In partnership with Project(ion) Room for this first phase of cross-residence. With the support of the Wallonia-Bruxelles Federation. In the framework of European Pepinieres of Creation.